In the stores, I pull strollers off the shelves, take them apart and put them together again to see how difficult this will be once the baby is here. Then you have your registry, and the baby shower, and the childbirth preparation classes. Wow! I don't know about you but help would be great.
So below I have put together some links and resources for all the other soon to be moms out there and even for those of you that are moms and have even more to juggle and more experience.

First, lets talk baby showers. Since a baby is the most fortunate gift of all, why not share your good fortune with some personalized fortune cookies! The blueberry fortune cookies are perfect for a boy and the raspberry fortune cookies are SO cute for a little girl! Personalized fortune cookies are great birth announcements, baby shower favors, christening favors, and could even be used for fun baby shower games.

What is your idea of the PERFECT gift for an expectant mom? Share it with us!
Know a great website for baby gifts? Tell us!